This quarter’s ITA spotlight shines on the Financial Administrative Services Bureau (FAS). Over the past fiscal year, they helped pass and administer the department’s budget of over $100M, executed over 111 contracts/contract amendments/service level agreements, worked on funding information for 2,552 CSRs, finalized 813 purchase orders, and completed over 1,300 Accounting transactions to run department operations. The Bureau works directly with other departments such as the CAO, the City Attorney, and the Controller’s Office to make sure core services in ITA are supported. This group also has the responsibility of communicating with elected officials such as the Mayor’s Office and various Council Offices to guarantee that ITA’s core duties receive proper administrative approvals.
Members of the team include:
Mary Lee
Niva Verma
Lingying Hwang
Sandra Corbett
Jackelin Ortiz-Lopez
Veronica Torres
Klavdiya Uzunyan
Maria Ramos
Megan Escobar
Elivira Mendez
Jessica Forand
Valerieann Palazzolo
Lorna Tolentino
Aaron Millager
Dakota Edison
Maria Delas Alas
Maggie McNally
Arik Bibicoff
Baltazar Dasalla
Kathryn Alcantara
Executive Administrative Support
Marina Sanchez
Elsa Silvestre
Lisa Santos-Claro
Project Management Office
Marc Magallanes
Sydney Duong
We also want to recognize the persons that have contributed to our success this year and have left for promotional opportunities in other departments:
Lani Ponciano, Tiffany Lee, Melissa Savage, Anthony Bizarro, Endang Widakdo, and Cathy Alarcon.
Please join me in congratulating FAS as we move forward in a new fiscal year!