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Organization Overview


Ted Ross

Ted Ross

Chief Information Officer/General Manager

General Manager & CIO for the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency managing 465 of the City's best employees and a $105 Million annual operating budget.

A man smiling with a blue shirt

Eduardo Magos

Assistant General Manager of the Applications Bureau

The Applications Bureau oversees the implementation, development, maintenance, and enhancements of over 150 enterprise and business applications on a 24/7 basis. This consists of both enterprise (citywide), department-specific, and public safety applications, websites, and mobile applications. The systems include the City's 3-1-1 Citizen Relationship Management system, Tax and Permit System (LATAX), Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMP), Financial Management System ERP system (FMS), Payroll System (PaySR), and multiple Police and Fire applications.

Maryam Abbassi

Maryam Abbassi

Assistant General Manager of the Customer Engagement Bureau

The Customer Engagement Bureau provides external customer services, such as the City's 3-1-1 Call Center, LA Cityview Media Group (Channel 35). This bureau also provides internal customer services, such as elected official IT support, the City IT Help Desk, audio/video support for Council meetings.

Bhavin Patel Profile Image

Bhavin Patel

Assistant General Manager of the Infrastructure Bureau

The Infrastructure Bureau oversees the voice communications, data network, radio & microwave communications, shop & field services for LAPD/LAFD communications, and 24/7 data center operations. This support includes installing radios and other communications equipment in LAPD/LAFD vehicles & aircraft, maintaining the City's microwave towers and mountain-top radio antennas, and infrastructure for 9-1-1 dispatch centers.

Tita Zara Profile Image

Tita Zara

Assistant General Manager of the Finance, Administration and Internal Operations Bureau

The Finance, Administration and Internal Operations Bureau fulfills the Department's purchasing, contracting, facility, accounting and payroll needs. The Bureau provides internal support in areas such as Project Management, strategic staffing and resource utilization, and safety and risk management.

Timothy Lee

Timothy Lee

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

The CISO is responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all voice, data network, application, network infrastructure and the associated information assets; creating an accountable, information security-conscious culture through training and development; implementing and maintaining a security infrastructure based on policies and procedures; ensuring compliance with applicable Federal, State, local laws and ordinances; and fulfills equal employment opportunity responsibilities.