Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) offers tremendous opportunities to positively transform both the quality and quantity of services to City of Los Angeles residents, businesses, and visitors. However, the power of A.I. tools also stresses the importance of A.I. safeguards, workforce training, digital ethics, and human-centered policies to prevent unintended harm from emerging technologies to L.A.’s diverse communities.
To address this need, the City of Los Angeles’ Information Technology Agency, with assistance from the citywide Information Technology Policy Committee (ITPC), has published the A.I. Safety Checklist as a tool for City departments to use to ensure due diligence and thoughtful examination before, during, and after the implementation of A.I. tools. This checklist will help City of Los Angeles Departments ensure that implementations of A.I. tools are ethical, transparent, human-centered and secure while maintaining public trust in automated decision-making systems.
Download ITA's "A.I. Safety Checklist"