LOS ANGELES, California, November 10, 2022 — As a testament to Los Angeles’ commitment to delivering cutting edge, modern, and digitally advanced services to its constituents, LA has earned the prestigious recognition as the #2 Digital City in the United States in the Center for Digital Government’s 2022 Digital Cities Survey.
As the second largest municipality in the nation, Los Angeles continues to evolve in a virtual environment that focuses on providing services in a unified and secure manner while offering residents and visitors alike a robust and dynamic user experience.
The Digital Cities Survey recognizes cities utilizing technology to tackle social challenges, enhance services, strengthen cybersecurity and more.
The City of Los Angeles, which has over the past five years consistently ranked in the top 3 of the survey, is among a distinguished group of municipalities that have worked to modernize infrastructure, cybersecurity, and improve its digital, citizen, and government experience through technology and leadership.
LA City’s Information Technology Agency, under the leadership of General Manager Ted Ross, provides a huge range of digital services to city residents and its 40+ departments. The Open Data platform has 1,100 datasets, with 100 percent of departments contributing. At the same time, excellent cyber security strategies help protect constituent and departmental privacy. LA also leverages emerging tech such as chatbots, automated assistants and social media platforms to better assist residents and elected officials. The city’s Clean Streets initiative, a program of the collaborative Comprehensive Homeless Strategy, is powered by data from the 311 Call Center and MyLA311 mobile app, while responses are managed and services dispatched through the customer relationship management system.
"From our contactless rental assistance program to our brand new LACity.gov website, millions of Angelenos depend on City of Los Angeles apps and websites to get the information and government services they require,” Ross said. "I am so proud that the City of Los Angeles has earned the 2022 #2 Digital City in the U.S. award.”
ITA brings data analytics to take on some of LA’s most difficult challenges. Some of the other IT directives address security, transparency, resiliency, equity, public safety, workforce restoration and homelessness initiatives.
The 2022 Digital Cities Survey Awards Reception will be held during the National League of Cities (NLC) 2022 Annual City Summit on November 17, 2022 in Kansas City, Missouri.